Bulk Actions Feature For Digital Agencies

Marylin Shahade
August 7, 2024
3 min read

Digital agencies managing multiple client websites face the challenge of performing repetitive maintenance on multiple sites. ClickPress has recognized this challenge and introduced the Bulk Action feature, designed to simplify these tasks and enhance operational efficiency.

What is the ClickPress bulk action feature?

Traditionally, agencies had to set up each account and website one at a time. ClickPress has streamlined this process, enabling digital agencies to perform various essential actions across multiple sites safely and efficiently with just one click.

With bulk action, digital agencies can:

  • Download, Update, and Install Plugins: Ensure all sites are up-to-date and secure by managing plugins efficiently.
  • Cache Clearing: Agencies can quickly clear the cache across multiple sites to enhance performance without wasting hours of work.
  • PHP Versions Management: Update to the latest PHP versions, 8.2 and 8.3, with a single click.
  • WordPress Updates: Implementing the latest WordPress features and security updates across all sites is streamlined, allowing agencies to maintain cutting-edge websites for all clients with minimal effort.
  • Blocking IP Addresses: Easily block IP addresses across multiple sites to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Unblocking IP Addresses: Quickly unblock IP addresses when needed, restoring access efficiently

Benefits for Digital Agencies:

  • Increased Efficiency: Bulk Action reduces the time spent on maintenance tasks, allowing agencies to efficiently manage updates and installations across multiple sites.
  • Enhanced Security: By enabling quick and collective updates, Bulk Action helps secure all client sites from vulnerabilities, providing a safer web environment.
  • Improved Performance: Regular updates and maintenance are crucial for optimal site performance. Bulk Action ensures these tasks are less disruptive and more manageable, keeping client sites running smoothly.
  • Scalable Management: As agencies grow and take on more clients, Bulk Action’s capabilities allow them to scale operations without a proportional increase in workload or resources.

ClickPress’s Bulk Action empowers digital agencies to streamline their WordPress site management, ensuring they can focus more on client satisfaction than routine tasks. By integrating Bulk Action into their service offerings, agencies improve their operational efficiency and enhance the overall security and performance of the websites they manage.

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